Um belo sábado, nos idos de mil novecentos e oitenta e poucos, meu pai me perguntou:
"E então rapazinho, já sabe o que vai fazer quando crescer?"
Nem titubeei:
"Sei não, mas quero fazer esses desenhos da tela do vídeo-game, posso?"
Era dia de jogar Atari com o velho e o jogo era Frostbite.
Ele riu e disse que achava "meio difícil".
Desde então eu jogo a vida no Hard Mode.
It was Saturday, the gone nineteen eighties, then my father asked me.
"So little man, what do you want to do when you grow up?"
I didn't even take a breath:
"Nope, I don't know, but I want to draw those things on the video-game screen. Can I?"
It was Atari morning with the old man and the cartridge was Frostbite.
He laugh widelly and said it could be "a quite hard".
Since then I have been playing life on Hard Mode.